

Academy Maia & Brenha Sports Association

AMB - Academy Maia / Brenha was created in 2010 by Athletes Olympic Miguel Maia and Joao Shaggy, with the main objective of raising children from 6 to 12 years, for the teaching and practice of volleyball mode, on the slopes "indoor" and " beach".

The trainings are conducted for children over 10 months, broken down by the volleyball "indoor" (also known as the Volleyball Pavilion) and beach volleyball, with participation in several tournaments during this period.

Volleyball is the sport par excellence that these two athletes practiced (and still practice) for over 30 years and, as such, wish to move on to new generations, all the passion that involves the exercise of this type, making the live experience only learning, social and physical and mental development.

In addition to this mission of attracting new and prospective athletes to practice volleyball, AMB also has the major objective the promotion and dissemination of the sport and the creation of the World level reference tournaments, also taking the opportunity to join all the Portuguese volleyball.

We started in 2011 with the organization of a tournament aimed at ranking "Minis", but the request of various clubs, led us to pursue more ambitious goals.

The year 2012 was marked by the creation of a major international volleyball tournament "indoor" in the city of Espinho, - AMB VOLLEYBALL CUP - which is now in its sixth consecutive year, with a huge and growing success, referenced " within and across borders "by all who visit us and participate in it. We organize also a stage in Porto, part of the 3rd edition held in 2014.

Every year the AMB VOLLEYBALL CUP has grown in quality and quantity of participants and teams registered. You can not pass unnoticed the increase of registered and present foreign teams in our event, which in itself dictates the enormous confidence of those who visit us and participate in this kind of competitions, but also increases our responsibility and will to win.

We intend to further increase the number of registered teams, participants and further internationalize the tournament, with the presence of clubs from around the world!

Our mission is to continue to attract young people to the sport and to improve increasingly the International Tournament "AMB VOLLEYBALL CUP", in order to design it more and more, the 5 continents! We want to increasingly contribute responsibly and decisively to the development of this mode, keeping the focus on the "organization" and "excellence".


Miguel Maia

João Brenha

Maria Manuel Cruz

Pedro Dias